
Ullesthorpe Church of England Primary School

Dotty Dice Challenge

Dotty Dice Challenge (1 Star)


You will need:

  • a partner,
  • a 1-6 dice
  • a grid like this



Watch this silent video to see the game being played.
Can you work out the rules?


Take turns to throw the dice and draw that number of dots in one of the boxes on the grid.

Put all of your dots in one of the boxes. You can't split them up and you can't have more than six dots in a box.

When a box is full, you could put a tick in the corner.


Keep going until there are three ticks in a row or column or diagonal.

The winner is the person who puts the last tick.  

How do you decide where to put your dots?


Now, can you change the game to make your own version? 

Notes for Parents


This is a great game for children to use their creativity and to work at a level at which they feel comfortable. The sophistication of their recording will change with their confidence.


  • take turns to throw the dice and put the dots into a box
  • you can put your dots anywhere but you can't have more than six dots in any one box
  • you have to put all your dots in one box
  • you win if you finish the line, row or diagonal of complete boxes
  • if you can't go you miss a turn.


When everyone has played a few times, you can change the game:

  • by making the total different (10, 12, 15, 20)
  • by giving different dice (with only even numbers, only odds, dice to 10 etc)
  • by making the grid bigger (4 by 4)


Key questions to ask

Where will you put your dots? Why?

How do you know where to put your dots? 

How many more do you need to win?
