
Ullesthorpe Church of England Primary School


In this section are documents to help support reading at home. We have included recommended book lists as well as ideas about reading for please. We have also included the age-related expectations for reading. 


Age related expectation (Expected Standard: EXS) is the standard each child should achieve for their year group (years 1-6). These expectations are drawn from the programmes of study as set out in the National Curriculum and are end of year expectations, and therefore, it should not be expected that children will have met all of the statements before then. All these objectives will be worked on throughout the year and are the focus of direct class teaching. Our website class pages give half-termly information as to when particular areas are being taught.  


Any support you can provide at home towards these targets is greatly appreciated.

This can be done by:

  • Hearing your child read frequently and discussing books with them. 
  • Giving a range of reading material.
  • Having quiet time to read together.
  • Carrying out homework tasks.


Some children may not be ready for year group expectations and instead are ‘Working Towards’ (WTS) these key objectives.  They may have goals more suited to their needs, which your child’s class teacher will discuss with you during parents’ evenings or specific pupil passport meetings.


We hope these standards help you to support your child at home. Please don’t hesitate to contact your class teacher for further support or guidance.
