
Ullesthorpe Church of England Primary School

What should I do if I have concerns?

Parents who are concerned about their child's wellbeing as a result of bullying, should share their concerns with the school as soon as possible and be prepared to work in conjunction with school staff to keep the children safe. Initially, contact should be through the child's class teacher.


All expressions of concern will be listened to, taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. Concerns regarding incidents of bullying will be recorded and shared with the Headteacher. Should parents still be concerned, contact should be made with the Headteacher. 



When dealing with bullying allegations,  three issues will be addressed: 


Speak to targeted pupil(s) and perpetrator(s) privately explaining why bullying is not acceptable. Work with instigator(s) to change behaviours.

Talk to parents/carers of all families.

A combination of direct sanctions (Withdrawal from class/play areas) and restorative approaches are used. Restorative behaviour techniques are detailed in our Restorative Well-being and Behaviour Policy.  If a child is repeatedly involved in bullying other children and initial discussions have proven ineffective, the headteacher may contact external support agencies. Persistence may result in exclusion.


Comfort the targeted pupil(s) and discuss different ways in which you or the school can help. 

Talk to parents/carers. Find out what sort of support they want.

Help pupil(s) to contact peer anti-bullying support groups or access outside support.

Monitor the situation and follow up accordingly.


Report the incident to the headteacher.

Make sure that everyone else who needs to know, such as class teachers, teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisors and the head teacher are aware.
