
Ullesthorpe Church of England Primary School


End of Primary School Writing Expectations:


We understand that it is very difficult for parents to support their children with writing, as they often are unaware of what extended writing at Year 6 expected standards might look like. Even as experienced teachers, we have to regularly check and moderate our judgements to ensure that we maintain a sense of required standards for the age group.


Below we have attached the year group expectations for aspects of writing, not all of which will be evidenced in a single piece of extended writing. Examples of extended writing at Year 6 expected and greater depth standards can be found at the following address:


At home, we ask you please, where appropriate, to support with any writing homework tasks; focusing on accurate spelling and punctuation, and providing a listening ear as a 'critical friend' to your child when proof-reading for standard English and sentence sense.


There are fantastic websites for encouraging your child's love of writing, such as the authorfy website which contains 10 minute author writing challenge tasks:

End of Year 6 Writing Standards
