Design Technology (DT) is a wide ranging subject that touches on many other curriculum areas. In our schools we explore the world through DT, creating practical products that are relevant to pupils' lives. We want our pupils to be confident in using an imaginative approach to solving challenges from the simple to the complex. Our pupils should leave our school with the skills and knowledge of how to turn their creative ideas into a realistic product.
The DT curriculum focuses on 5 broad areas: Food technology, Design, Engineering, Invention and Technology. These will often be explored through cross curricula activities, or through design projects. Pupils will research areas, define and design solutions, then test them to evaluate their value. They are encouraged to reflect on current designs, their usefulness and environmental impacts. Reflecting on theirs, and others’ designs allow pupils to develop perseverance and resilience. This can include the use of an ‘Enterprise week’ where pupils can experience the result of their work and gain feedback through market research and ‘sales’.
Researching key figures and events in Design History can provide pupils with the confidence to persevere with their ideas and curiosities. Our pupils should leave our school feeling inspired and driven to use their DT knowledge to enhance their own lives, and be open to the possibilities of helping others.