
Ullesthorpe Church of England Primary School

Mission Statement

Learn together, grow together, shine forever


In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so they will see the good things you do. Live so that they will praise your Father in heaven.’ (Matthew 5: 16 International Children’s Bible)


At Ullesthorpe CE Primary School we have an uncompromising commitment to valuing each member of our school community just as God values each one of his children. We recognise that both children and staff bring something special to the school and our job is to find it, nurture it and celebrate it. 


We are of the opinion that if we learn together and grow together then we will shine forever and be a light for those around us. We will achieve this through:


  • ‘Living out’ our Christian values (respect, perseverance, forgiveness, compassion, friendship, thankfulness and community).

  • Nurturing a passion and thirst for learning.

  • Building relationships with each other.

  • Empowering one another to face life’s challenges

  • Modelling how to be active and responsible members of the community


Everyone has something of value to offer and our hope is that as a school with staff, children, parents and governors working closely together, we can be a positive influence in our community and in our world.
