
Ullesthorpe Church of England Primary School


For the majority of our Year 5 and 6 children, reading now becomes more focused on high-level comprehension of text. This includes developing skills of accurate retrieval, inference, analysis, and comparison of style. The understanding of increasingly sophisticated vocabulary underpins all of this work in developing text comprehension.

Our students' reading fluency and oracy is strengthened by regular opportunities to read aloud in class and, where possible, in front of the wider school community. Reading and performance is celebrated, and we aim for our children to become more confident public readers and speakers as they head towards the secondary phase of their education.


To support preparation for the Reading KS2 SATs assessments in the summer of Year 6, you can order high-quality revision books to use at home through CGP:


Websites such as Books for Topics can suggest age-appropriate quality texts that some parents may be interested in purchasing or borrowing:


We also suggest to parents that they should encourage their children to read a number of these Top 100 quality texts for upper Key Stage 2 children:
