
Ullesthorpe Church of England Primary School

Maths Challenges

Challenges at home


If you are looking for some additional challenges at home, then the NRICH problem solving and reasoning tasks would be a great place to start.


There are a variety of challenges ranging from 1-3 stars in difficulty. Many of them are open ended tasks which can be extended to stretch children at home.


If you need any resources or any help setting up theses challenges, then please do let me know and I will sort some useful resources for you to take home.


It would be wonderful for your child to share the challenges they have attempted with us, so please do bring them into school and we can discuss and celebrate the extra work that they are doing.


Kind regards,


Mr Gray


More Challenges


Looking for more challenges? Follow the link below where you can browse and choose your own maths challenges to have a go at.

Maths for two- adult and child

